BRAVO! Event & Party Rental’s Blog

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Archive for frequently asked questions

Top 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions

As an event consultant we get asked lots of questions about events that people not in the event industry don’t know.  Here is a list of our top 5 most frequently asked questions:

5.  How many glasses will I need for my event?

We usually suggest 2-3 glasses per person per hour. But even this rule of thumb doesn’t apply to everyone’s glass needs.

We then ask a series of more specific questions to get an idea of a more realistic number ..

  1. What kind of drinks will you be serving?
  2. Will there be alcohol?
  3. Do you want a red and a white wine glass?
  4. Of your guests how many do you think will be drinking alcohol?
  5. Are you going to have a specialty drink?
  6. Are you serving beer in a bottle or a glass?

Bella Lyse Event Designs

BRAVO! Event and Party Rentals

BRAVO! Event and Party Rentals

TIPS to remember: Some people will hold their one glass the whole night and some will get a new glass every time they go to the bar.   It’s always better to have more than you need than not enough.

4.  How many chairs does a certain size table sit?

36" Round sits 2-4 chairs

48" will seat 4-6 chairs

60" Round sits 6-8 chairs

72" table will seat 8-10 chairs

6' tables will seat 6-8 chairs depending if you put chairs on the end

8' tables will seat 8-10 chairs depending if you put chairs on the end

3.  What size dance floor do I need?

It depends on how many guests you expect to dance.  We suggest having 3 square feet per person.

Bella Lyse Event Designs

Bella Lyse Event Designs

2.  What size linen do I need?

  • For a 36″ round table you need a 96″ round linen
  • For a 48″ round table you need a 108″ round linen
  • For a 60″ round table you need a 120″ round linen
  • For a 72″ round table you need a 132″ round linen
  • For a cocktail table you need a 120″ round linen if you are not tying it, if you are tying it you need a 132″ round linen
  • For a 6′ banquet table you need a 90X132″ linen
  • For a 8′ banquet table you need a 90X156″ linen
  • For a 60″ square table you need a 132″ round linen

1.  What size tent do I need?

It all depends on how many people you are expecting, if there will be a band or DJ, if there will be a dance floor, etc.  This is the chart we use to help figure out what size tent you need:

See are Tent Basics Blog article to find out more about our tents