BRAVO! Event & Party Rental’s Blog

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Archive for Planning

Busting the Budget Blunders

Busting the Budget Stigma

Everyday we have clients ask us for tips on how to handle their budget woes.  This week’s Blog is going to be all about BUDGETS!…how to make a budget and stick to it!!

Step One: Making A Budget

The biggest problem clients seem to have is coming up with a realistic budget.  Things to keep in mind while making a budget:

1. Industry rates range, depending on what state you are getting married in and if it is an urban or rural area.  Having a wedding in a city versus a smaller town might end up costing you more in the end.

2. There is a price per guest for food and liquor.  Remember to keep your Guest List in line with the budget.

3. Styles of weddings can determine the cost as well.  If you want a more formal affair, you may be looking at a higher budget.

Check out the great Budget Builder at Real Simple Weddings Cost Calculator.  You will find everything from the average cost of weddings in your area to budget worksheets to help you stay organized!

Step Two: Give Yourself A Cushion!

When creating your budget, be sure to put aside a percentage of your budget for emergencies.  At the end of planning, you might want to use the money to upgrade your decor, food, bar or you might want to put it toward your honeymoon.  But that little bit of money will ensure you never fully go over your budget!

Step Three: Talking Budget With Your Vendors

Once the budget is created it is all smooth sailing from there.  I know talking budget with vendors can be intimidating, but follow these simple tips and it will be a breeze.

1. When picking a vendor, do your homework.  Check out their websites or give them a call and ask what their price points are.  Most vendors will discuss budgets right away.

“‘Be straight with the vendors and tell them your budget. If you have wiggle room, let them know. For the most part vendors are very honest and will tell you whether they can work within that budget and whether that budget is realistic,’ says Laura Wright of Laura Wright Events. ‘If they can’t work within your budget, ask them if they will give you the name of someone who can.’ You’ll save a ton of back-and-forth time if you’re on the same page from the beginning.”

-Article Planning Basics: How to Talk Money With Your Wedding Vendors, The

2. You never know unless you ask!  Tell your vendors what you want and ask what it would cost you.

 “And trust us: It’s totally normal to experience sticker shock the first time you read through a pricing menu. Once you’ve learned that wooden farm tables are much more expensive than round tables and that even simple draping requires an entire team of pros, then you’ll really be ready to have a conversation. Additionally, when it comes to those intangible talents like photography, videography and design, Chenin Boutwell of Chenin Boutwell Photography points out that you have to remember that in some cases, you’re paying for “‘a unique eye, point of view and experience.'”

-Article Planning Basics: How to Talk Money With Your Wedding Vendors, The

 3. Make sure you have your vendor walk you through your contract and make sure to ask questions if you don’t understand.  There is nothing worse than showing up the day of the event thinking you are getting one thing and really having another. Plus, Vendors are human, there might always be a mistake or adding error….it does happen!

For more tips on talking budget with your vendors check out this article on The .

Step Four: Enjoy the Planning Process

Remember with the right vendors and the proper planning, no matter what size your budget, you really can have the wedding of your dreams. 

Have questions or additional advice?  We would love to hear it!

5 Unique Items for a Bridesmaid to Carry

Recently we have had some brides that are looking for ideas on  non-floral pieces that their bridesmaids can carry down the aisle.  Whether you’re wanting to express your style or you’ re wanting to be different these 5 unique ideas will help you reach your goal.

The Clutch

Your bridesmaids will be walking in style down the aisle.   With the clutch you can leave it as it is or add a little floral to the mix.


Parasols are not only a great way to block the sun but they can add an extra pop of color. Your photographer will also love to  use them for a prop during pictures.

Twine Balls

If you are going for an organic or rustic look these are for you.  Theses are great because you can make them your own by adding something to the inside.  Whether it is floral or lighting these can become uniquely yours.

Candle Light

Using candle light is always a romantic way to incorporate something for your bridesmaids to carry.  You could use lanterns, mason jars or  a simple votive and candle combo.


Using balloons is such a fun and colorful way for your bridesmaids to walk down the aisle. When thinking about using balloons make sure it fits into your concept and venue for your wedding. Balloons add a great touch for an outside wedding in the spring and summer months.  I like the giant 17inch round vintage balloons the best.  They look sleek and simple.

Summer Design Series

Showcasing the South – Lakeside Love

Summer is such a beautiful time here in the south.  Hot, but beautiful.  We have so many wonderful and romantic places to act as backdrops for weddings and parties.  Whether you want a beautiful sunset wedding on the beach or a mountain reception under the stars, the south has everything you need.
Our new Design Series will be showcasing these romantic places.  This week we have chosen a lakeside retreat in conjunction with Amethyst, Blush and Charcoal.  These colors have been pulled from Vera Wang’s New Collection, White, which was created for David’s Bridal.

Whimsical Wedding Trends 3.13.12

Whimsical Wedding Trends
Tuesday, March 13, 2011

We wanted to do something with a little touch of  whimsy for today’s blog!  Here are some whimsical wedding ideas we fell in love with!!

Incorporating color and your personality into your event will guarantee you a FABULOUS design!  Whether you are bringing color into your décor or outfit!

Oh yea, you guessed it…Neon Ray-Bans for the bridal party! We love a fashion throw back with attitude!

It is all in the ingredients.  King of Pops is the brain child of three brothers out of Atlanta.  They create all natural hand made popsicles with a twist!  With all natural flavors such as Strawberry Mojito, Cucumber Margarita and Arnold Palmer these guys make popsicles for kids of all ages!

Get your mustache on….one of the hottest trends in wedding photography is the mustache.  Men, women and children are getting on the ‘stache train!  So to reiterate… Get your mustache on….enough said!

Even catering is getting in on the fun!


We Have Some Exciting News!

With every new season there are always new trends.  It is our job to stay on top of all the latest happenings so your event will set the standard among your guests.  In 2012 we have some exciting  additions at BRAVO! and can’t wait to start working with you.

1) Event Design and Coordination

We are thrilled to announce our newest addition to the BRAVO! Team Rachel Briggs.

Rachel graduated from the College of Charleston with a BA in Corporate and Organization Communications. She has 5+ years of experience in Special Events Marketing and Design in the Charleston event industry.  There she specialized in corporate and social event design, production and sales.

Her passion lies with special event floral and event design focusing on custom production. Rachel will be heading the Event Design Department at BRAVO!

By working with  BRAVO! you will have a full service experience.  Not only can we handle your rentals but your event design, coordination and floral as well.

2) S’mores Bar

We have all seen the candy bar or cookie bar trend pop up at weddings the past couple of years but nothing compares to the comfort of the  S’mores bar.  It made its debut at the BRAVO! Bridal Expo in January and it was an immediate hit!

Collin M Smith

You can even mix it up by offering Kit-Kat, Reese’s or Snickers s’mores.

3) Colored Chiarvari– This new trend is popping up everywhere and BRAVO! is the first in the area to rent these brightly covered chiarvaris.

Whether they are for a dinner party or a wedding these chairs will make any event pop!

4) Bounce Houses

Now at BRAVO! you can rent a bounce house for your next birthday party, festival, or family reunion.

Don’t forget the snow cone and popcorn machine.

5) Farm Benches

These benches are a great seating option that flows well with our recently added farm tables.  They also make a great look for the ceremony.

6) Chandeliers

Lighting is an important part of setting the mood at your next event.  BRAVO! now offers a variety of options no matter what your style or  theme may be.

We took our out of date brass chandeliers and transformed them to funky, one of a kind lighting for your next shindig!

7) Mason jars

No need to go out and buy a ton of mason jars for your special rustic themed event    BRAVO! now rents mason jars! Use them for that specialty drink, as table decor or use them as lighting and hang them from trees.

What trends are you thinking of incorporating into your event this year?

Exploiting the Expo

January means bridal shows. With all the vendors, food and fashion shows, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of it all. Here are a few tips to get everything you need from the expo:

Know who will be there

Most expos will have a list of vendors available on the website. Review the list ahead of time, and create a list of vendors that you would like to speak with. Make sure to speak with these vendors first to avoid the rush.

Check the rules for giveaways

Prizes are often given throughout the show. Find out how to qualify for the prizes and if you need to be present to win a prize. If so, try and stay throughout the entire show to increase your chances of winning.

Brides speaking with Andrea Knapp of Photographs by Andrea

Know your budget

Before planning a wedding, it’s important to know your budget and how much you can spend on each category. Ask vendors about pricing and how they can work within your budget.

Bring a camera

Bridal shows are great for getting ideas. There will be dresses, centerpieces, and much more. When you see something you like, take a picture. Later you can compile the ideas and see how they can work together.

Bring address labels

Most vendors will want your contact information for drawings, mailings, etc. Having your information printed on stickers will save you from writer’s cramp and you will have more time to explore the expo.

Make appointments

Many vendors will offer discounts to brides who schedule appointments at the bridal expo. Schedule appointments with vendors you are interested in working with. This could save you money and will keep you on track for planning your wedding.

Have fun

Bring your maid of honor or someone equally excited about your wedding. It helps to have someone to bounce ideas off of and someone to laugh with. Keep in mind that inviting too many people can be overwhelming with the contradicting opinions. Bridal shows are intended to provide a fun, easy way to meet with many vendors in one afternoon.


You’re Engaged…now what?

First and foremost Congratulations!
Enjoy your engagement!  Take time to let everything sink in before you make any decisions.  This is a time to celebrate being with your fiancé, so be sure to enjoy it!

Once you have taken time to enjoy this special time in your life sit down with your fiancé and everyone who will be helping financially and determine a budget and the guest list.  This may be an uncomfortable conversation, but it is important to be upfront and honest with everyone involved.  Find out what everyone is willing to chip in and determine a dollar amount for the budget and stick to it.  This makes things so much easier while planning!

Once you determine the wedding budget, you can calculate how much can be spent on the dress, decorations, etc. An easy-to-follow worksheet is available here.  This is not a strict number. You can move money between categories, but it should give you a good place to start.

Determine what ideas you are willing to spend extra money on and what you are not.  Come up with a list of non-negotiable, negotiable, and unimportant ideas for your wedding.  This will help you decide how to prioritize your budget.

Now that you have a dollar amount in mind start a notebook full of ideas, pictures, etc. that you want to incorporate into your wedding.  Begin to price your ideas with different vendors.  Meet with several different vendors and ask for references!

Deciding on a budget and sticking to it is the first step to planning a wedding that is both beautiful and stress free.

For more information on planning a wedding, plan on attending the BRAVO! Bridal Expo on Jan. 8th.

To Sit, Stand or Graze?

Of all of the wedding shows on TV one of my favorites is Four Weddings on TLC.  Brides attend each others weddings and rank their competition’s wedding on dress, venue, food and over all experience.  At the end of the show the bride with the most points wins a honeymoon to some tropical place.  One thing I have noticed on every show is that the other brides have strong opinions on which way the food should be served.   There are advantages and disadvantages to both but most importantly it depends on the event and the ambiance you are trying to convey.

1) The Buffet

Most casual bridal couples prefer a fun and relaxing reception by having wedding guests serve themselves from a variety of foods. This is a great option for wedding reception food because the nature of a buffet offers something for everyone.


  • Food is generally less expensive
  • No need to pay for a wait staff.
  • More causal
  • Wide variety of food choices


  • The fear of running out of food
  • Long wait lines
  • To causal for some couples

Helpful Hints:

  1. Have two buffet lines to cut down on wait time
  2. So that it doesn’t look as causal, use nice polished aluminum to add a more formal presentation
  3. Use different shape and size tables to look less causal
  4. Release the room in sections to cut down on lines

2) The Sit-Down Dinner

Elegant traditional bridal couples often take the opportunity to have waiters serve their guests so that everyone eats and finishes at the same time which allows more time to socialize.


  • Will appear as if you went all out
  • Considered to be more formal
  • Less chaotic
  • Guests don’t have to do much work


  • Fear the food will get cold
  • Fear that dinner will seem to “stuffy”
  • Limited on what you can eat
  • More for the bride and groom to figure out beforehand ( specific guest count, place cards, who is eating what, etc..)

Helpful Hints:

  1. Hire a caterer that will prepare the food during the reception so food will be fresh and hot
  2. Give a variety of menu options for different taste buds


Most adventurous bridal couples like the style of this reception because it provides a lot of fun and variety for guests to sample foods from each station. One thing’s for sure–wedding guests will rave about this party for years to come!


  • Will get your guests to mix and mingle
  • Stations offer many food options for a variety of guests
  • No need to pay wait staff


  • Each station will need its own china and silverware
  • Serving dishes and presentation can get expensive

Helpful Hints:

  1. Stations can be positioned across the venues to maximize flow
  2. Use polished aluminum to add a formal feel
  3. Spend a little extra money and have people behind the stations to explain the food or cook it live

5 Ways to Make Your Guests Feel Special

1. Flip Flops

When it’s time for the reception everyone is ready to kick back and let their hair down. In order to have a  good time you want your guests to be comfortable. Some people’s feet will be hurting by the time of the reception but by offering flip flops  more people will get on the dance floor and involved. The guests would definitely appreciate it and it would be the talk of the town for days.

2. Sober Rides

A lot of people offer alcoholic beverages at their reception, but offering sober rides for the guests will ensure that all of your guests are safe upon arrival and departure.  By offering sober rides it will allow everyone to have a good time and not worry as much because they know they will get home safe and sound.

3. Bathroom Baskets

Your guests may not be prepared for a spill on their shirt,  a  broken heal or nail or maybe they just need to freshen up a bit. Having sample toiletries’ like deodorant, lotion, mouthwash, soap, body spray, etc. will ease their mind.

Next to the basket prepare a cute poem to go along with the gesture.

So happy you’re here to share in our special day!!!
But should something happen to go astray,
Please help yourself to the contents within,
Hair spray (or Wet wipe), hand lotion, gum and even aspirin,
Use only what you need and leave the rest,
It may be useful to another guest.
So repair the damage that may have been done,
Then hurry on back and join the fun!!!
Compliments of the Newlyweds

4. Games

Set up games at several tables and see how much fun everyone has. This would be most helpful for the guests with children because they can easily be entertained.

5. Photo shoot

Everyone wants to take pictures to catch the most memorable times of their lives. You probably have a photographer  but having a section at your reception where your guests can take pictures and use props is always fun too.  Whether you rent a photo booth or make your own this is a sure way to capture great moments.

The 2012 BRAVO! Bridal Expo

We are excited to announce the 2012 BRAVO! Bridal Expo!  The event will be held at the Florence Civic Center on Sunday, January 8th 2012.  The expo will include passed appetizers, fabulous giveaways, musical entertainment, fashion shows, and most importantly a chance to meet with vendors and brides-to-be.

"You guys were so organized and on top of things in the weeks leading up to the expo. Very Supportive!"

"Wonderful job!"

"Everything was very professional!"

"This was a very classy show. You did a fabulous job BRAVO!"

"I am very pleased with this event. I have listened to the comments from the brides and all of them were wonderful. We booked parties and met great potential clientele. Thank you. Can’t wait to work with you again at the next one."

If you did not participate in the Expo in 2011, the vendor feedback was exciting -100% were either extremely satisfied or satisfied of that 25% were satisfied and of that 75% were extremely satisfied with the results of the event- 100% said they would participate again and would recommend the Expo to another vendor.  We  are moving the Expo in 2012 to the Civic Center as it will be bigger than 2011.  We have added surprises in the planning stage so register early!

"Planning, coordination, advertising, and helpful friendly planners help make the expo successful!"

"This was my first expo and I enjoyed myself very much!"

"This was a very classy show. You did a fabulous job BRAVO!"

"I have never attended a show where we had a vendor networking hour. I thought it was very informative."

"The show was amazing, the best Florence has seen in the 10+ years I have been participating in shows. Thank you again for giving Florence the show they deserve!!"

Our website, will be live later this week.  You will be able to register and pay online.   In the mean time you can request vendor forms by e-mailing  Bridalshow@

*Quotes above are from our 2011 survey results and not from the people reflected in the pictures.