BRAVO! Event & Party Rental’s Blog

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Archive for DIY

Busting the Budget Blunders

Busting the Budget Stigma

Everyday we have clients ask us for tips on how to handle their budget woes.  This week’s Blog is going to be all about BUDGETS!…how to make a budget and stick to it!!

Step One: Making A Budget

The biggest problem clients seem to have is coming up with a realistic budget.  Things to keep in mind while making a budget:

1. Industry rates range, depending on what state you are getting married in and if it is an urban or rural area.  Having a wedding in a city versus a smaller town might end up costing you more in the end.

2. There is a price per guest for food and liquor.  Remember to keep your Guest List in line with the budget.

3. Styles of weddings can determine the cost as well.  If you want a more formal affair, you may be looking at a higher budget.

Check out the great Budget Builder at Real Simple Weddings Cost Calculator.  You will find everything from the average cost of weddings in your area to budget worksheets to help you stay organized!

Step Two: Give Yourself A Cushion!

When creating your budget, be sure to put aside a percentage of your budget for emergencies.  At the end of planning, you might want to use the money to upgrade your decor, food, bar or you might want to put it toward your honeymoon.  But that little bit of money will ensure you never fully go over your budget!

Step Three: Talking Budget With Your Vendors

Once the budget is created it is all smooth sailing from there.  I know talking budget with vendors can be intimidating, but follow these simple tips and it will be a breeze.

1. When picking a vendor, do your homework.  Check out their websites or give them a call and ask what their price points are.  Most vendors will discuss budgets right away.

“‘Be straight with the vendors and tell them your budget. If you have wiggle room, let them know. For the most part vendors are very honest and will tell you whether they can work within that budget and whether that budget is realistic,’ says Laura Wright of Laura Wright Events. ‘If they can’t work within your budget, ask them if they will give you the name of someone who can.’ You’ll save a ton of back-and-forth time if you’re on the same page from the beginning.”

-Article Planning Basics: How to Talk Money With Your Wedding Vendors, The

2. You never know unless you ask!  Tell your vendors what you want and ask what it would cost you.

 “And trust us: It’s totally normal to experience sticker shock the first time you read through a pricing menu. Once you’ve learned that wooden farm tables are much more expensive than round tables and that even simple draping requires an entire team of pros, then you’ll really be ready to have a conversation. Additionally, when it comes to those intangible talents like photography, videography and design, Chenin Boutwell of Chenin Boutwell Photography points out that you have to remember that in some cases, you’re paying for “‘a unique eye, point of view and experience.'”

-Article Planning Basics: How to Talk Money With Your Wedding Vendors, The

 3. Make sure you have your vendor walk you through your contract and make sure to ask questions if you don’t understand.  There is nothing worse than showing up the day of the event thinking you are getting one thing and really having another. Plus, Vendors are human, there might always be a mistake or adding error….it does happen!

For more tips on talking budget with your vendors check out this article on The .

Step Four: Enjoy the Planning Process

Remember with the right vendors and the proper planning, no matter what size your budget, you really can have the wedding of your dreams. 

Have questions or additional advice?  We would love to hear it!

Summer Design Series

Showcasing the South – Lakeside Love

Summer is such a beautiful time here in the south.  Hot, but beautiful.  We have so many wonderful and romantic places to act as backdrops for weddings and parties.  Whether you want a beautiful sunset wedding on the beach or a mountain reception under the stars, the south has everything you need.
Our new Design Series will be showcasing these romantic places.  This week we have chosen a lakeside retreat in conjunction with Amethyst, Blush and Charcoal.  These colors have been pulled from Vera Wang’s New Collection, White, which was created for David’s Bridal.

Fourth of July Festivities

Fourth of July Fun!

Patriotism is at an all time high right now with the upcoming Fourth of July Holiday and this year’s Summer Olympics right around the corner.   With all of this excitement, parties are bound to happen and we are here to help you prepare for your next USA Themed Party!  Whether it is DIY decor or red, white and blue desserts, we have you covered!

Some of our favorite event accents are as simple as planting coordinating floral, accenting a plain centerpiece with patriotic themed fabric or creating one of a kind desserts.  Below we have a few must try recipes and tutorials that will be sure to make your next event unforgettable.  We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!!

Red, White, and Blue Sangria


  • Strawberries, sliced
  • Blueberries
  • Pineapple, cut into star shapes
  • 2 bottles dry white wine
  • 1 cup Triple Sec
  • 1/2 Cup berry-flavored vodka
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup simple syrup

Combine the ingredients in a large pitcher and stir. Chill in the refrigerator for at least four hours.

Recipe courtesy of Punchbowl.

Patriotic Luminaries

Materials Needed:

  • Empty vegetable or soup cans, cleaned out and labels removed
  • Water
  • Nail
  • Hammer
  • Scrap paper
  • Ruler
  • Tape
  • Spray paint in red, white, and blue

1.  Begin the tin can luminaries by filling the cans up to the top with water, then place them in the freezer until the water is frozen solid.  This will allow you to hammer a nail into the side of the can without the can denting.

2.  Draw out designs on the can in permanent marker.

3.  Using a nail and hammer punch out the design.  Start at one end of the pattern and place the nail along the line.  Gently pound the nail in with a hammer.  The nail will go through the can into the ice.

4.  Allow the ice in the can to melt, and dry the can completely.

5.  Now either paint the can or leave silver!  Either way they will look great!

6.  If you want to further decorate the tin can luminaries, this is the time to do it.  If you would like the designs you punched to show up better you can paint them a different color, such as black.  When you are ready to illuminate, add a little sand to weigh down the cans and add a tea light candle.  Your guests will love them!

For complete instructions, including step by step pictures,  please visit here.

DIY Party Favors We Love!

1)  Scrapbook Paper Clipboards

Materials: Clipboard, Scrapbook Paper of your choice, Mod Podge, Ribbon, and a Pen or Pencil

All you do is trace the outline of the clipboard onto the back of the scrapbook paper, cut it out and glue it to the clipboard with Mod Podge.  Once it dries you can add the person’s initial or whatever you want to add to it!  Then add a top layer of Mod Podge.   Once everything is dry you can add a notepad and tie a pen or pencil to the clip with a ribbon.  Perfect for a little girl’s birthday party!

2) Coasters

Materials: 4X4 Ceramic Tile, Scrapbook Paper of your choice, Mod Podge, Clear Spray Paint, and Felt

Cut the scrapbook paper into 4X4 squares, glue it to the ceramic tile with the Mod Podge, once it dries spray the clear spray paint to seal it.  After the spray paint is dry, glue the felt onto the bottom and Viola! you have coasters.

3) Scrapbook Paper Picture Frames

Materials: Inexpensive Unfinished Picture Frame, Scrapbook Paper of your choice, Spray Adhesive, Foam Brush, Paint, Scissors,  X-acto Knife, and Mod Podge

First trace the frame onto the scrapbook paper and cut out the template.  Paint the frame whatever color would look best with your scrapbook paper.  Once the frame is dry spray the back of the scrapbook paper with the spray adhesive.  Then stick the paper to the frame.  Use the X-acto knife to trim any excess paper.  To seal the paper to the frame use Mod Podge.

4) Lip Gloss

Materials: Vaseline, Kool-Aid, Lip Gloss Containers, and Labels

Heat 1 cup of Vaseline in the microwave in 30 second increments until the Vaseline is liquid.  Stir in one package of Kool-Aid (whatever flavor you choose) until the crystals are completely dissolved.  The cherry flavor has a little tint to it!  Pour the mixture into the lip gloss containers and let them solidify.  Print labels with the different flavors and adhere them to the top of the containers.

5) DIY Crayons

Materials: New or Used Crayons and Silicon Baking Tray

Peel the labels off of the crayons and break them.  Fit them into the silicon baking tray you are going to use.  Bake in the oven for 25 minutes on 200 degrees.  Silicone baking trays come in all shapes and sizes so you can have all sorts of crayons.